Sunday, October 02, 2005

Part II

Bam! Eric hit head on with the wall to his right. Some guy he had never seen before had thrown him into the wall for, seemingly, no reason at all. He came to me later that day to tell me what had happened, and after pondering it, we still couldn't figure out a logical explanation. Whatever. What the hell. What's new? People don't like us. Big Deal...

So, four days later, after our snow days and weekend, we returned to school. Same old, Same old... As least we thought. seventh hour that day I was called down to the office. Some lady I had never seem before sat next to my principal as I entered the room, that smelled like some guys P.E. shorts. The lady was portly, and had a mustache thicker than most men. Her nose was permanently pointed upward, and her blue sweater didn't match the orange sweat pants she was sporting. My principal, Mrs. Sue, asked me to sit down, so I slid into the chair, still not sure what I did. The lady started asking me questions, such as where I was and with who. Why did she care? I thought for a second it was about me being out past curfew, or about a few of the people I hang out with, that happen to smoke cigarettes to be cool, I guess. But then, the mention of Erics sisters party came along. My eyes widened. I knew Erics mom had mentioned them acting stupid, but... Drinking? Run around almost naked? They are only 12! I told her that we were not there, but she didn't seem to buy a word I said. Fine...Don't believe the Goth kid... I bet if I were wearing some American Eagle or Abercrombie they would believe. Fat bastards.

Eric told me later that they called him down, too. And like half of the sixth grade. But little did we know that a rumor was spreading that Eric had given them alcohol, and threatened, or did rape one of them. We weren't even there! Anyway... More people than ever wanted to get their hands on Eric. Like this one kid... Eric threw him down some bleachers, but that's another story...

The whole party thing got dropped eventually, and everything was back to normal...Or so we thought.

Part I

So theres this kid I know... well... more than know. We've been dating for a year now, but we've known each other for about four years. He has almost always been the kid that got picked on. Mostly, because of the way he dressed. Our social 'group' and we has the grunge goth thing going on, and... people don't accept it much. People are do not like what they don't know... but I won't get into how stupid the stereotypical bastards are... Plus the fact they he isn't the most wealthy kid around, and even though I find him to be beautiful, others cannot get around the fact that he doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.

This guy's name is Eric. Last year his little sister, Alicia, had a party. At only twelve years old you would think a birthday party would only consist of cake, ice cream, and staying up all night talking about how hott this weeks babe is. Thats what we thought. But, we were terribly, terribly wrong. Eric, Hippy, Josh, and I were at the party from about five to six. At this point the quests were just getting dropped off. We left after singing Happy Birthday, and we all walked towards my house to check in. Josh and Jake stayed up the block at Barbies house, while Eric and I walked to my house, to tell my dad we would be at Barbies, playing in the fast falling snow.

The whole night went by very fast. The roads had so much snow on them that cars could barely chug down. My friends and I had a great time, not knowing what was going on at Erics house. How could we have time to think about it between having a snow ball fight, making a snow 'baby', and drinking hot chocolate until one in the morning. At that point Eric, Jake and I went to my house and they stayed until about 3. They then walked down the block and stayed at Jakes house until morning. Eric awoke at 10 to go to his house to continue his slumber, not knowing what he would awake to in the morning...